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Crystal FLOW
Crystal REVS
Why Crystal REVS
Screen Shots
System Requirements
Dynamic Token Panels
Interactive Flowcharts
MISRA C Static Checking
HTML Documentation
Comment Generator & Editor
Call/ Callers/File Trees
Auto Formatting
Premium Editing
Code Navigation
Premium Browsing
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Understand code in less time with Crystal C/C++
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Crystal FLOW for C
Crystal FLOW for C++
Crystal REVS for C
Crystal REVS for C++

HTML Documentation

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Crystal C/C++ tools provide the most comprehensive documentation tools. Some of the features included in the documents
generated with Crystal C/C++ are:

Flowcharts of all functions

     Documentation of all functions contains flowcharts - thumbnails as well as detailed
     Flowcharts can be exported as .jpeg as well as .bmp
     Flowcharts include code as well as comments

Call Trees, Caller Trees

     For each function you can view the Call Trees and Caller Trees
     Such trees are generated in HTML format

Project Browse Trees

     For the overview of the whole project
     You can view the documentation of a particular file
     You can also go to the Source Listing of any file
     You can view the names of the files-included, functions defined, globals, structures, etc for each file.

Source Code Listing

     Complete listing of source code including Syntax highlighting
     Click on the function names in the source code listing to go to the documentation file and vice versa.


     Comprehensive documentation of the function, objects, etc
     Function properties like - called by functions, functions called, parameter information, globals, locals, etc used in a function
     Detailed type information of all identifiers

Multiple Views

     File Browse trees - You can expand any node, click on a function, global, structure etc. to goto its definition.
     Documentation File - with File Overview, Included Files, Functions defined etc.
     Source code listing

Project Overview

     Provides you with the summary of the whole project

Project Wise and Function Wise Code Metrics

     Volume Metrics - by lines, by code-flow, by-declaration and preprocessor directives, by identifiers
     Complexity Metrics - McCabes? Measures for Cyclometic complexity, Design complexity, Essential Complexity,
     including ability to sort in a desired order, etc

File Wise Code Metrics

     Volume Metrics - by lines, by code-flow, by-declaration and preprocessor directives, by identifiers
     Complexity Metrics - Halstead?s and McCabes? Measures for Cyclometic complexity, Design complexity, Essential Complexity, etc

Cross Reference

     Presents the usage of each object across the project
     You can view the definition, declaration of objects in various files

Detailed Data Dictionary on a category basis

Seamless browsing

Customization of look and feel of the documents

and much more.
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