Project Browse
Go to any function, global object, struct, or #define. Open
project files
Project Reports
A file-by-file summary of all globals, all functions,
structs etc. Double-click to go to defintions |
Create Javadoc-like HTML reports |
File Outline
Go to any function in a file. Go to a set of #defines or #includes
in a file
Recently Visited Functions
Go to any recently visited function.
Function Outline
Skeletal view of a function. Useful for overview and navigation
in long function.
Full Type-Information
View an object's declaration.
If it involves a type-name or a struct, then how that type-name
or struct has been declared and so on. You can view the full
type-sequence with a single click; without going to the header
Object where-modified
'where-modifed' occurrences of the object in the whole
project |
Also, list of all occurrences of the object in the whole
project |
Search Modes
Text, Lexical, Object as per scope rules, Regular Expression |
Mark occurrences in the file |
Find in Files (GREP)
Modes: Text, Lexical, Object as per scope rules, Regular
Expression |
Find in files and replace; as per scope rules (refactoring).
Lexical File-Compare
All whitespace differences are ignored |